In over one month he would have been a 100 years old. And about a month back he was enquiring about renewing his passport as it was reaching its expiry date. In between these bookends, last evening he took his final breath. Not because he was ill or inactive.
He is the most active ager I have come across. He needed walking stick and handle support to sustain balance while walking. But that did not deter him from bathing himself. He was able and walking till his last day. And that is a sign of extremely good health, said the doc.
He takes care of his roses, walk along his enviable garden everyday. He even opens the heavy iron lid off the ground water tank, all by himself. He had a disciplined routine that was enabled not without a support system that included his wife who is over a decade younger than him, his over 60-70year old children dispersed across the globe but present on rotation for him at his home, and of course his neighbourhood helps – the driver, milkperson, cook, domestic help and many more.
Beyond his disciplined and active routine, my at-most admiration has been in how he continued to pursue his interests – an unconventional practice at that age. Tech savvy through 98-99, he enjoyed exploring smart watches, iPhones, speakers and apps. I mean, at 98 he used #Justdial to find a service! Even many millennials may not know of Just Dial!
His attitude towards his life even in the face of losing functioning is another something I takeaway with me. For example, losing his hearing to ageing had not stopped him from communicating with people. He was savvy on WhatsApp. When with young fingers we make so many typo errors, with his trembling 98-99 year old fingers, he used to type error-free perfect sentences! Any feelings of being left out in many conversations, he hid them well. In fact, he used to acknowledge his hearing loss and encourage me to type to communicate.
In the 5 years I have known him, that’s the #legacy he has left with me, his grand-daughter-in-law. The legacy of a way to living an active lifestyle at any age, which is, by pursuing your interests, leveraging support and staying true to self.
We will all miss you Nippa.
Would you like to write an obituary for your close one? Reach out to sri@insomanywords.space